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Arrival in the stream of possibilities

68 x 46 cm


In the Maps cycle (2018-2020), Rifaae explores the theme of locating oneself in a new environment. These works are not mere geographical representations, but metaphorical landscapes of the feelings and thoughts that are experienced when adapting to a new life. Each map becomes an emotional diary that captures the search for home and identity.

Further works of art from the cycle

Arrival in the stream of possibilities
Arrival in the stream of possibilities


68 x 46 cm

Coded path: No return
Coded path: No return 2021

Acrylic,Coal,Canvas,Mixed Media

145 x 145 cm

Heavenly paths
Heavenly paths 2020


132 x 112 cm

Irreversible directions
Irreversible directions 2021

Acrylic,Coal,Canvas,Mixed Media

140 x 135 cm